miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Stupid Parents

I am absolutely sick of having students (I teach children) who are considered "low level" or just plain "stupid". This infuriates me because once you meet the parents you realize that the parents are the stupid ones, not the children. It´s a crime and it´s getting worse since parents seem to take less responsibility for their actions and pass the buck onto teachers and entertainment advices.
I see three main problems with current parenting and would like to address them and present some solutions. First of all, parents nowadays are buying tablets or video-consoles for their children instead of traditional things like books.  The result is that children can´t read or spell and develop a very short attention span. Furthermore, they make their children read as a form of punishment so children now see reading as something very negative. My solution for the problem is to implement a legal age for electronic devices and promote reading. However, people may see this as an attack against their freedom. Furthermore, they might not understand that tablets (etc) are dangerous to a child´s development and buy them electronic gizmos anyway. Secondly, it seems that parents are not fully educated on child development. My solution is to make a compulsory course for parents to inform them on the best way to raise a child. Unfortunately, parents might not take it seriously so one would have to think about the way to fine/punish the parents who don´t attend. Lastly, parents are always blaming teachers for the education of their child. I for one accept the responsibility of teaching vocab/tenses, etc. But there is only one/two people who can turn off the “idiot box” and make the kids do their homework. The parents.

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