sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Opinion: Learn to Park

This may start off as a delicately-said opinion paragraph but will probably end up in me blowing a fuse and writing a load of bad words and going in to a rant. It´s really something I hate and think that the police should do something about it, but unfortunately do as well. In Spain, it seems to be completely acceptable to park in the middle of the road (leaving the indicators on as a sign of being civilized) and then going for a coffee, to the supermarket or just have a nice lovely chat with your third-cousin six times removed. From my point of view, this is not only dangerous but the laziest thing I have ever seen. Seriously, there is normally a parking space 2 minutes away! The way this method of parking is approached is very interesting as well. Apparently, you just randomly stop the car without any sort of warning so that the car behind you plays a game of life-and-death and has to swerve into the corresponding lane without killing other drivers. In many other parts of the world this would be a massive ticket and you just wouldn´t do it in principal because someone might get out of their car, grab a baseball bat, and smash your car to bits just for being a twat (I have this urge daily in Spain). Furthermore, it can get right out of hand to a ridiculous degree. For instance, last week I went to the shop and noticed a car parked hysterically in the middle of the road. The reason it was so ridiculous was that ALL the parking spaces on the street were empty and she had actually parked beside three empty parking spaces! I decided to wait to see what kind of degenerate owned this car, and lo and behold, a mother with a baby… buying empanadas. If there ever was a ticket worth writing up for being a complete waste-of-space and bad role-model, this was the time. In conclusion, I believe the police should start giving out tickets for this kind of behavior and the general Spanish population should start looking for an actual “PARKING SPACE” when they park. If not, I just might kill someone.

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