sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014


Lazy people corrode civilisation as a whole and destroy the very fibres of what humanity spent thousands of years trying to achieve. I’m talking about those who are always late, sit around, never finish what they have to do on time, pass the buck and never take responsibility for what they are responsible for. These people would be weeded out in the animal kingdom because they just plain hinder evolution, or better said, cause us to go backwards as a species. And what do we do? We help them.
Now I understand we are in a crisis and everything but when meet someone who has been looking for work for the last 25 years but still hasn’t found anything, I feel choking them. While in Spain people (with less than three kids) don’t receive any benefits, countries like Germany and England having been giving away money to professional “job seekers” for years. If you don’t work, the governments in these counties pay you money, period. And this is where the problem comes in, people just take the money and don’t look for a job, and there is a lot of work. Moreover, they have like twelve kids to receive as many child benefits as possible to even get more money. Now here is where the de-evolution starts. Most sane working households have one or two children and those children grow up to be working citizens (generally), while the fourteen children that grew up in the atmosphere of “avoid working” will do the same. This will result in few people doing all the work and earning all the money whereas the rest just stay at home on benefits. Unfortunately, the only solution is to either have better inspectors or just stop giving them money.
Another type of lazy good-for-nothing person seems to flourish in places that still bear the same roman system of “everyone wants to be a civil servant”. A good example is where I live now, Spain, because people fight tooth and nail to become a civil servant or work in a cooperative. And the reason that these positions are so highly sought after is that as a civil servant or member of a cooperative is basically untouchable and has a salary for life. This seems to create the odd person that achieves this type of position and basically, starts doing nothing. This is really sad to watch or be part of because what ends up happening, so the company doesn’t go under, everyone else has to do what they don’t do creating more work for the hard workers. Really the only solution is to move to a more American system in which anybody can lose their job at any given time. Sadly, the politicians are civil servants too so that will never happen.
In closing, humanity is on its way backwards thanks to a group of individuals whose aspirations are to sit on a chair while everyone else has to pick up the pieces for them. What should happen is that we stop helping, regardless of their situation, and let them sort out their own problems. Moreover, start letting them know that this behaviour will not be tolerated and that there are consequences because I am sick and tired of paying their wages and doing their work, and so should you.       

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