martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

The Adventures of Bob the Meerkat: Part 2

Once Bob managed to get the sleep and the booze-induced glaze out of his eyes, he slowly stumbled towards the quacking and the racket being made from the vicinity of the bins. There he saw the fluffy little ducktail bobbing to and fro from the bin. As he glanced to his left, he noticed that there was a little bike with a makeshift basket attached to the handle. “You have to be kidding me” he muttered to himself, “a gypo, a bloody gypsy duck is digging through my stuff”. He quickly grabbed his gypsy duck whacking stick and knocked the duck out of the bin. The duck shrieked in his strange duck gibberish “Quaaaackkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!”. (to be continued)  

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